In the Loop: The Tale of Slip Collars

All set to bring Fido to heel but don’t know which collar to choose? If you’ve been looking at slip collars but aren’t quite sure if they’re the right choice, you’re in the right place. Get ready to unravel the mysteries of slip collars, one loop at a time!

Taking a Trip Down Memory Lane

The slip collar, also known as a choke chain or choke collar, has a long history in the world of dog training. It hails back to an era when dog training methods were, by today’s standards, considered harsh. They were initially used for dogs that pulled too much on the leash. A quick yank was all it took to communicate to the dog that their behavior was inappropriate.

The Slip Collar Mechanics

Slip collars are pretty straightforward in their design. Picture a length of chain or rope with rings at either end. The leash attaches to one ring while the other is threaded through to create a loop. This loop goes over the dog’s head. When the dog pulls, the collar tightens. If the dog stops pulling, the collar loosens. In this way, it creates an immediate and clear consequence for pulling.

To Slip or Not to Slip: The Pros and Cons

Like any tool, slip collars have their benefits and downsides. Let’s take a closer look.


  1. Correction: Offers a clear, immediate correction for pulling.
  2. Adjustability: The size is easily adjustable to suit dogs of various sizes.
  3. Simple Design: They’re uncomplicated and easy to use, with no buckles or snaps to fuss over.


  1. Potential for Harm: If used improperly, they can cause physical injury, including damage to the trachea and nerves in the neck.
  2. Escaping: Agile and slender-necked dogs can potentially slip out of the collar.
  3. Limited Use: Not suitable for daily wear or for attaching ID tags.

The Best Fit: Which Breeds Favor Slip Collars?

Slip collars are often used for larger, stronger breeds that are prone to pulling, such as Siberian Huskies, Boxers, and Retrievers. However, it’s important to remember that they’re more of a training tool than a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s not recommended for breeds with delicate necks like Greyhounds, or small breeds with sensitive tracheas, like Yorkshire Terriers and Pomeranians.

Off the Leash: Top Brands for Slip Collars

In the market for a slip collar? Here are some popular options:

  1. Mendota Pet Slip Leash: Known for its high-quality, durable construction, and excellent control.
  2. Herm Sprenger Ultra-Plus Prong Training Collar: Despite the name, it can be used as a slip collar and is appreciated for its robust stainless-steel design.
  3. Coastal Pet Products Titan Heavy Chain Collar: Favored for its strength and durability, it’s great for larger breeds.

Remember, every dog is an individual, and what works for one may not work for another. If you decide to use a slip collar, ensure it’s used correctly and humanely. It’s best to consult with a professional trainer before starting any new training regimen.

In the end, the right collar can make all the difference to your walks, transforming them from a tug-of-war to a pleasant stroll in the park!

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